Emotion Revolution 2025 Logo

The Emotion Revolution is back!

Bergen, Norway,
April 23-25th 2025

Emotion Revolution Hero Collage Image

We wish to highlight that participants who devote themselves to the entirety of the conference get a course certificate, stating that they have attended a 24 hour course. Norwegian psychologists will be eligible to earn 24 maintenance hours required by the Norwegian Psychology Association to keep their specialist status.

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The world’s first Emotion Revolution conference in 2018 was a great success

We are thrilled to announce that the revolution continues in Bergen, Norway in 2025! The 2018 conference focused on finding common ground for different emotionally orientering treatment models. The 2025 conference will tune in on the recurring challenges clinicians face when they work therapeutically with emotions.

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We have invited world leading experts from a range of psychotherapeutic approaches to shed light on challenges like:

When to regulate and when to activate emotions? How to get pass the obstacle of not feeling? What to do when emotions from past memories present themselves in the present? Our goal is to provide a deeper understanding of how these emotional impasses can be turned into healing and growth.

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We are looking forward to welcoming clinicians from all around the globe

We are looking forward to welcoming clinicians from all around the globe to take part in a thrilling, rewarding and innovative event.

Join the Emotion Revolution in Bergen, Norway April 23 - 25 in 2025!

(F)OMO Are You Suffering From?

Take the quiz to reveal which flavor of (F)OMO is secretly pulling the strings in your life – and whether it’s pushing you forward or holding you back in your professional growth as a therapist. Buckle up – it’s going to sting!

So, what did they say?

Hear from some of our amazing keynote speakers and participant
"All I can say is WOW! I've never been to a rock'n'roll psychotherapy conference before! And I didn't know I was going to cry on stage"
Headshot of Lee Greenberg
Les Greenberg
keynote speaker 2018
"Love is not everything, it is the only thing"
Head Shot of Steve Hayes
Stephen Hayes
keynote speaker 2018
"Caring is fundamental. It's absolutely basic"
Headshot of Paul
Paul Gilbert
keynote speaker 2018
"This is definitely the sexiest conference I have ever been to"
Headshot of Diana Fosha
Diana Fosha
keynote speaker 2018
"Because we use emotion as a compass, past and present become hopelessly confused"
Headshot fo Janina Fisher
Janina Fisher
keynote speaker 2018
"Extremely well done. Thank you."
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Emotion Revolution 2018
"Do it again!"
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Emotion Revolution 2018
"Excellent!!! Hope that you will organize this kind of congress in the near future again. Well done!"
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Emotion Revolution 2018
"Amazing! Thank you!"
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Emotion Revolution 2018

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